So now I have quite a collection. What do I do with them now? Do you think these and the like would sell at a market -Daylesford?/Healesville???? I just cannot store all of this anymore however I do love making them and using my wonderful fabric stash for them!
Any suggestions?
:) Irene x
(ps. don't forget my little Kokeshi doll give-away drawn Jan 31st. Just leave a comment :)
See her on my previous post)
These were absolutely made for Etsy!
They are lovely, Irene. The ones with the pom-poms are so cute. Absolutely they would sell! Go for it.
Hugs Helle
Yes, they are so lovely you will have no trouble finding buyers. My favorite is the Glen Park barkcloth pillows with the ball fringe. Great job.
Hi Irene definitely sell them on Etsy. You already have your photos so you are set to go.
Just such lovely pillows - list them in your etsy shop. I especially love the trick with the buttons on that one cover. Is that just a little stretchy trim sewn in a ring and stretched over the buttons and then the pillow made with the same fabric stuffed in a fastened. Love that idea! Especially love the glencourt pillows. I have so much glencourt in lots of colors but have only sewn up pillows in the red so far. Give etsy a try. It is easy and cheap and you could always try something else at the same time and just take them down if they sell elsewhere! Thanks for sharing some of your lovely handiwork!
Hi Irene, I stumbled across your blog today while filling in some quality blog reading time. How fantastic! but I can't find a way to email you! I have some fabric - a bed cover and two pillow cases actually, that I've been looking to give to someone who'll do something wonderful with them. Please contact me through my blog thewhineyfairy.blogspot.com because I'd love to send them to you!
I will buy some if you wish to part with them....the blue 5o's polished cotton one and one of the yellow roses barkcloth. Just simply wonderful Irene! Let me know how much....xx
Oh, I will buy them too! I love the oblong ones with the yellow and gray! And the flour sack ones!
Did you put them on Esty?
I'm going to check it out right now!
I love them all!
All the best,
I think you should take them to a market, you would do very well. Oh yes, and Etsy too! You do such a great job with them. Beautiful fabrics and trims, all different colours and patterns. If I lived near you, I'd be there with bells on! Good luck Irene. Blessings, Heather
Hi Irene,
I agree...totally made for etsy!! Those are too cute!!!!
Ohhh, love all those cushions, you have been busy!Hope you open an etsy store!
Wish you lived closer,would love for you to come to my sale...
maybe one day!
You have the same "weakness" I have for the beautiful vintage fabrics! I'm a sucker for 'em (and not the seamstress YOU are unfortunately).
These are lovely pillows. I hope you come up with good homes for all of them.
Hi Irene,
So happy to find your vintage inspired blog.....love your cushions!
Happy day!
have i told you how GORGEOUS your pillows are, well... they are GORGEOUS!
I would love some of these as they are new to me; they are gorgeous. I'm probably too late now :o(
Hello Irene! Found you thru Simone' blog. I love the pillows! I am spreading the word tonight!!!! Will be back to read more, (hence, finding the time!.
Have a great night. I became a follower tonight, dont wanna miss out on your posts!
Hugs, Jackie
YOU CAN GIVE THEM ALL TO ME. they are scrumptious!!! i love them all. gorgeous irene!!!!! hope you sell all of them. yum.
Hi- just found your blog & loove your cushions! I'm an aust. living in the uk with my 3 kids and husband- & have a similar buisness & have done a bit of selling on etsy with another woman. My advice is do it on your blog first & research research research! They are soo lovely that it would be awful for them not to be loved straight away....Good luck & enjoy the balmy weather for us- we woke to snow again yesterday! Kids of course looove it! Melissa
I would love to get my hands on the flour bag cushion. If you still have them. They are all beautiful and a Market stall im sure would do really well! Cheers Leah
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