So off to Ebay they go, but not without giving you a bit of Vintage pretty to enjoy.
If you are interested have a quick peek in my Ebay store via the right hand side bar.(sorry Aussie only - glass and size just too big for International Post)
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!!
Cheers, Irene x
Those daffy dills are gorgeous! they should get snapped up pretty quickly I reckon. although ebay is always hit and miss isnt it?!
ps. aaargh have tried to comment about 5 times now and it wont do it, ok have stopped pulling hair out now and trying again :0)
Hi Irene,
Love those! I need to go over & check out your ebay stuff! I especially like the needlepoint. I have a couple needlepoint florals & just love them.....
But thank you for sharing with the non-aussies as well, my dear friend!
Wonderful needlepoint!
Enjoy the rest of sunday!
Hugs Helle
Love the ballerinas.
i'm with simone....L.O.V.E the ballerinas- just a little tooo far to post to me for little audrey!
nice to see you back!
life is busy!
melissa x
That ballerina painting just brought me right back to my childhood.
My friend's Nanna (who was sort of like our own street's Nanna too) used to have that same painting on her wall.
Thanks for bringing my memories back to me :-)
I have that ballet picture too! I love it! x
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